Exclusive: Is There Hazardous Waste in Your Property?

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There’s nothing like a house that’s ready to sell.

The floors sparkle, the light bulbs burn bright, the scent of fresh cookies wafts through the air, and dangerous chemicals threaten to poison anyone who sets foot on the property… Wait, what?

According to Drew Boyles, the founder of waste-removal company HazAwayToday, the problem is more common than you might think. And the removal process itself? Challenging, to say the least.

“Movers, and anyone other than the homeowner, cannot legally remove and transport items like paint cans, pesticides, lights, aerosols, cleaning agents, pool chemicals and other chemicals and hazardous waste,” Boyles explains. “Additionally, in many jurisdictions, individuals cannot transport more than 15 gallons (or more than 125 lbs.) of household hazardous waste in their vehicles.”

And leaving hazardous waste behind is, unfortunately, an all-too-common practice–and that can be dangerous, particularly for the new homeowners. “Oftentimes, these chemicals can be dangerous, especially if they’re exposed to high temperatures,” says Boyles. “Some household items contain flammable and combustible liquids. When exposed to heat, items like pesticides, cleaning supplies, aerosols, chemical sprays and mists, can be dangerous. Additionally, many of these items are toxic to humans and animals.”

Agents should be on the lookout for a wide range of commonly used hazardous waste materials, including:

  • Paint, stains, lacquers, paint thinners, etc.
  • Motor oil, oil filters, car batteries and household batteries
  • Pesticides and herbicides
  • Aerosols, bug spray, WD-40, etc.
  • Fluorescent light bulbs
  • Mercury thermometers or thermostats
  • Pool chemicals
  • Cleaning solutions
  • Bleach and other oxidizers
  • Old TVs, CRTs, and other miscellaneous electronics

If you suspect that your property may be hiding some unwanted materials (and the majority of them do), you can search common areas (such as sinks, garages, sheds, and other storage areas) for evidence of hazardous waste.

Waste removal can be a huge hassle for homeowners, and often includes, according to Boyles, “long lines at infrequent collection sites” and “transporting old paint cans, motor oils, and other items in their personal vehicles.”

In addition, waste removal can be downright dangerous if the homeowner doesn’t know what they’re doing. “Careless and unlawful hazardous waste disposal practices jeopardize safety in your home and the well-being of the planet,” Boyles cautions.

Boyles recommends hiring professionals to take care of the waste instead. The right service will guarantee that the waste materials are removed in a safe, legal, and environmentally sustainable manner, helping the homeowner avoid legal repercussions and minimizing damage to the planet.

For more information about professional waste removal, visit HazAwayToday.com!

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